Can you perpetually generate 4% income from $1M regardless of market conditions?

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  • #113508 Reply

      Hi, is there a way to perpetually generate 4% regardless of market conditions?
      For example – if interest rates are high, one can place money in CD or bank.

      Has anyone been able to perpetually generate income from fixed cash, say $1M?

      Sorry if this question is too rudimentary. Looking for advice from people with experience of 5-10 years+ FIRE

      #113509 Reply

        CDs and MM are all paying about 4% right now
        Just park it there on a short term until you decide what you want do
        But the fastest way to build growth will always be investing in solid index funds and ETFs and funding it regularly

        #113510 Reply

          Yes. But getting a cd at 4% apy doesn’t mean anything when inflation is 3.5%

          #113511 Reply

            The 4% rule was already based on the worst market conditions, so it’s already in the formula. For better market conditions, its closer to 6%.

            Market returns are around 10% less 3% inflation (7% real return), so the 4% rule already has signficant buffer to account for this (approx 3% buffer for poor market returns).

            #113512 Reply

              If you are getting 4% return and inflation is 2% then your real return is only 2%. You probably want to aim a bit higher than 4%

              #113513 Reply

                30 year treasury yields is at 4.4%. Not perpetual but long enough.

                #113514 Reply

                  So, traditional stuff…annuities. I use private (hard money) lending but it isn’t “set it and forget it”. I generate a consistent 12%+, but we stay on top of it.

                  I have maybe 16 private loans in my portfolio that generate a pretty good passive income.

                  They aren’t nearly as much work as a rental property, but you do need to be sure to stay on top of opportunities to always keep your money working for you.

                  The principal doesn’t grow, but they are collateralized and have a high monthly income.

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