I had a hospital bill get sent to collections even though I was making payments every month. What can I do?

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  • #80512 Reply

      I’ve heard you can negotiate an amount if you agree to pay in full today?


      #80513 Reply

        Move it to the end of your list of bills to pay off. Dave puts collections last in baby step 2.

        #80514 Reply

          Check to see also if it’s real collections or the collections department of the hospital. Some have in house collections but make it look as if it’s been sold to a 3rd party.

          #80515 Reply

            If it’s in collections & you have other debts I’d push the collection off. But in terms of a settlement I always just call them & ask what it will take to settle today, ask for that in writing & then some people get a prepaid card with the amount on it and pay that way.

            #80516 Reply

              Contact the hospital. You do have to set up a payment plan with their finances department rather than just making payments on your own (typically). If you did have a payment plan and it went to collections it was probably not intentional.

              #80517 Reply

                I’ve known hospitals to apply payment to wrong accounts, I would try to clear it up with hospital before calling collections.

                #80518 Reply

                  Same here, happened to me too, I just called the hospital and got my account number and said that I would pay them directly once I got to that point in my snowball (there are no minimum payments due) it will be paid off in full the month of May!

                  #80519 Reply

                    Collections paid for your debt for a very small amount (“pennies on the dollar” as Dave would say). Even if they did take you to court, you can usually offer any amount and they’ll take it. You should find an episode where Dave says how to handle them.

                    #80520 Reply

                      I got sent to collections for a bill I was actively paying off. I contacted the hospital and the collection agency and they both said it was done by mistake. Just contact them to find out what you can do.

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