If I have expired oatmeal (unopened), what can I do with that besides throwing it out?

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  • #89880 Reply

      For context, it’s banana nut flavored that’s been expired for two years.

      #89881 Reply

        If it doesn’t have bugs, it’s still edible.
        Otherwise, bird food or oatmeal baths.

        #89882 Reply

          Sprinkle over fat from cooking and then put out for birds.

          #89883 Reply

            Use it. I’ve used mine up through 18months after expired date. Otherwise, they are great face mask.

            #89884 Reply

              The dates are merely for inventory control. It helps the consumer know which tins/boxes/packets are older so we remember to use those first.

              There’s a chart on line from a food bank that shows how long things are good for after the dates.

              It’s generally about 2 years.

              Explore these too: Best home & garden use for expired (not fresh to drink, but not spoiled) coffee grounds?

              #89885 Reply

                Unless it’s expired by years and years, I’d still use it. Maybe not as oatmeal but in a recipe for sure.

                Best before dates don’t mean much on most dry goods, provided they’ve been stored properly.

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