I’ve been looking at the HuluTV bundle without ads

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  • #80021 Reply

      So, We got a letter from our TV and Internet service provider (Spectrum) that our promotion discount rate is coming to a end and our rates will increase to the normal price. TV will be about $121 and internet about $84 per month.

      Basically we are going to be paying a total of $24 more not including taxes. We plan to keep the internet and wifi but want to drop our cable TV service. Read a Ramsey article about cheaper streaming services out there. We still want live TV with some local channels so I’ve been looking at the HuluTV bundle without ads…

      Should be about $82. Anyone using this?

      Just wondering if ya like it or if its worth it. I’m open for other suggestions too.

      #80022 Reply

        We use YouTube tv. Check price against HuluLive.

        #80023 Reply

          We don’t think cable is worth it at all – we pay $65 for high speed internet and $25 for Netflix/HBO. Husband will splurge for Sunday Ticket during football season sometimes, but that is it. We’ve really cut back on our tv time and increased quality family time.

          #80024 Reply


            #80025 Reply

              Maybe watch less TV? We do fine with the cheapest Hulu subscription ($6.60 per month) and an antenna for local channels.

              #80026 Reply

                Get a whole house antenna for local tv. Install in the attic. One time cost of about $80. Run the cable line from the antenna to the splitters that connect to the TVs. Get HULU with disney and espn for $12.99/month.

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