Any books geared toward 10 yr old or younger that teaches about investing / saving / budgeting / how money works?

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  • #106841 Reply

      I’m looking for book recommendations for kids around 10 years old or younger that introduce the basics of investing, saving, budgeting, or how money works.

      Are there any engaging, age-appropriate books that help teach these important financial concepts in a way that’s fun and easy to understand?

      Ideally, I’m hoping for something that provides simple explanations but also encourages good financial habits from an early age.

      Any suggestions or personal experiences with books that worked well for your children would be greatly appreciated!

      #106842 Reply

        My 11 year old asked to read “A Simple Path to Wealth” and just opened up her own ROTH IRA. Filled out the account application herself.

        #106843 Reply

          I don’t think the original poster said anything about retirement. Financial education is appropriate at any age!

          My 10 ye old daughter just read a money book by Rebel Girls series and she loved it.

          Developmentally appropriate overview of money, importance of saving.

          #106844 Reply

            Lead by example. Let them earn money from chores, save gifts, etc and then learn how to spend it. Guide them from instant gratification to saving and spending for something special.

            Don’t let your kids get obsessed about money. Let them be kids.

            #106845 Reply

              A 10 year old saving for retirement? What will (s)he retire from?
              I think that at that age they should focus on exploring career interests instead and get them exposed to various professions to see what they would like to be.

              Then investigate what it would take to get there. Whether is college, military, technical training, entrepreneurship, apprenticeship, etc. after they are in their career, then they can start saving and investing for retirement.

              Now to be aware of how money works, budgeting and saving, absolutely! Teach them the foundation of compounding interest but focus on future careers.

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