Any fun, free, or cheap things to do before my new job starts in two weeks?

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  • #99502 Reply

      Any suggestions for fun things to do free or cheap? My new job starts in like two weeks and I’m so bored and broke right now!

      ‘m starting a new job in two weeks and currently find myself with a lot of free time but not much money to spend.

      I’m looking for some fun, budget-friendly activities to fill my days.

      Whether it’s something I can do at home, outdoors, or around town, I’d love to hear your suggestions.

      Thank you!

      #99503 Reply

        Google search “Free things to see and do in (your state)”

        #99504 Reply

          Walk around with a few plastic grocery bags and a reacher/grabber and beautify the place.

          Talk to an elderly neighbor and offer to do an errand or task for them.

          Makes both of you feel good.

          #99505 Reply

            Would take the time to get some things done around your home. Organize or declutter.

            Maybe do some meal prep.

            Once the job starts, free time will be at a premium.


            #99506 Reply

              Congratulations on your new job! Check out activities at your local library.

              Check for events, including concerts, plays, lectures at a local university or college.

              Go to high school concerts and plays.

              Ride a city bus or train through new neighborhoods.

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