Any pointers in how to liquidate fractional shares?

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  • #81746 Reply

      I know there’s a lot of vanguard users on here. Anyone know how to sell fractional shares?

      I tried typing them in, but it says you have to sell a full stock. I googled it and it said if you sell all your shares, they will sell the fractional shares too- so I went to sell all and it sold all my full shares, and there I am left with .48 shares of the stock after selling the rest.

      Any pointers in how to liquidate fractional shares? I’ve been trying to figure it out for two days now.

      #81747 Reply

        I wonder if it matters whether it’s a mutual fund, ETF, or stock. Or whether it’s a taxable brokerage account or a Roth/traditional IRA.

        I only have ETFs in my brokerage account. I just checked in my phone app, and when I go to sell there are two small blue selections for shares or dollars on the right side of the “amount” box. They’re actually inside the amount box on the far right side. Whichever one I select gives me a different view below that box.

        I only have a mutual fund in my Roth IRA and when I checked that, I can only sell a dollar amount. There’s no option to specify how many shares.

        I don’t own any individual stocks in either type of account so can’t tell you what I see there.

        #81748 Reply

          They were piloting this feature a while back, but it might not be available to everyone. They just automatically sell the remainder when you sell the rest of the stock.

          #81749 Reply

            Mutual funds are purchased in dollars (per share price set at end of day). ETFs & stocks are purchased in shares (price fluctuates throughout the day); the dollar option allows you to buy fractional shares in order to mimic Mutual Funds.

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