Anyone here FIRE at an early age without real estate investing?

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  • #103512 Reply

      I’m curious to hear from those who’ve reached financial independence at an early age, specifically without relying on real estate as part of their investment strategy.

      What were your main sources of income or investment vehicles?

      How did you diversify your portfolio, and what were the biggest challenges you faced?

      Any advice for someone aiming to achieve FIRE without venturing into property investments?

      #103513 Reply

        Me! Next week is my last week at work and I’m FIRE’d. I’m 43. Still trying to wrap my mind around all of it.

        #103514 Reply

          Curious why “without real estate” is the question. Investing a large percent of your income in general is the key to FIRE.

          #103515 Reply

            At 41 both spouse and I had military careers we retired from. Pays all the bills.

            Investing in low cost index funds is along the way added creme on top.

            #103516 Reply

              52. Not sure if that is early. Only my own house.

              #103517 Reply

                I do. 38. But not completely retired though. Still running online store and airbnb rental, 4 hours working a day.

                #103518 Reply

                  A lot of people fire without real estate retiring by stocks is very common

                  #103519 Reply

                    47 and 50 and we could if we wanted to. But working another 5-10 years would create generational wealth.

                    #103520 Reply

                      29 and could leave my job anytime by investing in real estate. I stay at my job to buy more real estate, have insurance, and 401k

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