Anyone opt out of their employer insurance and instead get it through the marketplace?

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  • #101420 Reply

      If you’ve made the decision to forgo your employer’s health insurance plan and instead obtain coverage through the marketplace, I’m curious to hear about your experience.

      What were the key factors that influenced your decision?

      Were you able to find a plan that offered better coverage or more affordable premiums?

      How has your choice affected your access to healthcare services, costs, and overall satisfaction with your coverage?

      Any insights or advice for others considering this switch would be greatly appreciated!

      #101421 Reply

        When Obama care started, my healthcare insurance through work went from $5k a year to $27k a year.

        I dropped that once I was told I could buy better coverage from the market place for $1.2k a year.

        #101422 Reply

          I don’t believe you are eligible for subsidies if you decline an affordable employer plan.

          Affordable using the government definition.

          The ACA plans are pretty shitty if you don’t get a subsidy.

          #101423 Reply

            if you are allowed to opt out, I think it depends on the size of your company.

            Aca is very cost effective for household incomes below 75k anything over 100k and the subsidies vanish and it gets real expensive real quick.

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