Are Google and OneDrive storage connected? If I upgrade one, does it affect the other?

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  • #100595 Reply

      Hoping someone more tech savvy can assist. I have an android phone and a Gmail account.

      I’ve had the same account for years and want to keep it.

      My One Drive is telling me it is frozen because I need to upgrade storage or it will be deleted.

      This will lock me in with a new added monthly expense.
      My Google photos and Gmail are also 92% full.

      I’ve deleted everything I can from my photos and email.
      Are all of these things connected somehow?

      If I pay for a monthly subscription to upgrade my storage on one will it upgrade the other?

      If my One Drive gets deleted do I lose access to my Gmail?

      I don’t want to pay for another monthly item if I don’t have to, but I also don’t want to lose my photos and I appreciate having them backed up electronically.

      I know it’s only $1.99-$6.99 a month max, but that adds up.

      Sorry if this is silly but I’ve put this off long enough because it’s foreign to me.

      Thanks for any help.

      #100596 Reply

        I put a second SD card in my phone. Moved apps that I could to the new card.

        No more overload.

        #100597 Reply

          One drive is from Microsoft. Gmail is from Google (a different company. So, they are separate from each other.

          #100598 Reply

            It sounds like Google is only willing to store so much for free then you have to pay a fee.

            So, you either pay a fee or find another place to store your pics.

            I have an external hard drive for all my images because monthly fees make my teeth itch.

            #100599 Reply

              You need to go in and delete old emails, spam, junk, and old. Gmail google cloud stprage give you so much space for free then charges

              #100600 Reply

                OneDrive is separate from Google cloud as that counts your storage from Gmail, photos, and Google drive.

                Yes, you’ll have to delete to make room or purchase a subscription for online storage from Google.

                If you do that, I suggest you transfer everything from OneDrive to Google Drive if you plan on paying for service anyways.

                #100601 Reply

                  Gmail amd onedrive aren’t connected. One drive is owned by Microsoft.
                  I had the same problems and I transferred all my photos to Amazon photos because it is included with Prime.

                  Unlimited photo storage and like 5g of video storage.

                  I don’t have a lot of documents or anything to store so anything I do, I just use the free storage on Google Drive.

                  #100602 Reply

                    I have an Android phone and I am finding Google is taking over more and more control of my phone’s features.

                    If I wanted a Google phone, I would have bought a Google phone.

                    Wish I could figure out how to turn off Google features without compromising the use of my phone.

                    #100603 Reply

                      Delete your junk mail files, your trash files, anything that isn’t important, and you’ll make more room.

                      But you will end up having to pay for more space if you like to keep everything.

                      #100604 Reply

                        Don’t need to pay for access at all, and they are not linked.
                        Just do a digital declutter in both places to free space.

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