Are other industries facing layoffs like the tech field?

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  • #100879 Reply

      I have noticed that there is a lot of layoffs in the tech field right now and it seems it’s very difficult to find a job right now in that industry.

      My question was are other industries hurting right now like the tech field?

      Aka.i am a tech employee and for now thankful to have a job.

      #100880 Reply

        We are in construction, roofing to be exact and it has been super slow here in the south. Very dry hot year, not a lot of storms.

        Insurance companies are cracking down on giving people roofs.

        We see people who truly need one and they don’t want to pay.

        Not sure if it’s all weather or economic or both.

        #100881 Reply

          Definitely depends on the industry. Healthcare, dentistry struggling to find people.

          But honestly, Healthcare seems to be recession proof.

          You can always find a job no matter what economy we’re in.

          #100882 Reply

            I am in tech field and it took me 3+ months, 300+ job applications/ several referrals/ 20+ interviews to find this recent job.

            It was never like this before.

            It’s kinda insanity right now.

            #100883 Reply

              My husband was laid off today, a tech job. He was missed on a lot of rounds in the last two years so we were not shocked.

              Hoping it will not take too long to find a new job.

              #100884 Reply

                Executive Recruiter here. I have never seen the job market this bad. In 25 years and have lived thru it all.

                Dotcom. Y2K. Etc Corporations are cutting where they can and it’s taking months if not years for people to find a new job due to the amount of other people looking.

                People are hunkering down if they do have a job.

                We need people to move to new jobs to create openings.

                I have never seen this level of desperation on LinkedIn. It’s awful.

                #100885 Reply

                  I’m a tech recruiter and do career coaching as well. There are still tech jobs and candidates are getting multiple offers.

                  The reason it feels like the tech market is not the same because many people ended up in tech when it wasn’t truly what they wanted to do, so they are typically not the ones with the best skillset.

                  Also, most candidates believe that simply applying works and do nothing else.

                  While it can work, it is in less than 10% of cases.

                  The only way to safe proof your career is to do what you love or at least like very much.

                  Enough to keep wanting to learn more and be the best at what you do.

                  Post covid anyone and everyone got hired, now it’s the people who either know how to sell themselves, are really good at networking and what they do or all 3.

                  #100886 Reply

                    As a manager in the tech field, hiring is also very frustrating. Most applicants don’t put the time into applying or use ChatGPT to answer questions.

                    I have to reject most people because people are simply lazy.

                    #100887 Reply

                      I would say that we are being more selective than previously when the potential candidates called the shots; the tables have turned (like they always do) and now those that were making so many demands are prob without a job because the employers now have the upper hand.

                      Our industry seems to always be in a perpetual hiring state, but now we can pick better candidates.

                      #100888 Reply

                        Any writing based job is being greatly reduced because of AI. So communication departments, marketing, etc.

                        all getting tough.

                        I used to work as an instructional designer and the role have dried up and pay dramatically reduced.

                        I pivoted right before because I saw it coming.

                        #100889 Reply

                          Yes! I was laid off in April, can’t believe it’s been 4 months I haven’t been working!

                          I am a web developer.

                          I was talking to my endocrinologist and he said he had just came back from a seminar and they were talking about using AI.

                          He’s like are they trying to take over our jobs?

                          And I’m like maybe not the Dr role but maybe admin and some nurse.

                          I wouldn’t be surprised.

                          #100890 Reply

                            I’m a CPA and there is a crazy shortage in our industry right now. Our career is not glamorous to most and can have terrible hours.

                            Seems to be one of the solid industries right now.

                            #100891 Reply

                              Terrible time to be searching for a w2. Amazing time to become an entrepreneur.

                              #100892 Reply

                                Real Estate is doing bad with the high interest rates. I know that industry is suffering.

                                Redfin comes to mind.

                                #100893 Reply

                                  If tech pros get lad off, the biggest problem for them will not be in finding work, but finding work that pays what the tech industry has been paying them.

                                  Every single industry needs tech.

                                  Not all pay techies as if they’re a franchise quarterback in the NFL.

                                  Check out tech jobs in public service (federal, state, local municipalities) and you’ll find great jobs with lots of room to move up.

                                  The benefits are actually useful (vs ping pong and a free cafeteria).

                                  Check it out.

                                  The world of work doesn’t have to revolve around an eventual IPO or takeover by FB or Google.

                                  Sometimes it can be about a greater good

                                  #100894 Reply

                                    I’m in healthcare and there are endless job openings for me right now.

                                    #100895 Reply

                                      Layoffs in insurance – one of the largest employers just announced they are laying off 5% of their workforce

                                      #100896 Reply

                                        Not just the tech field. Here in Houston, a major hospital just laid off 5% of its workforce with no warning.

                                        And we’re talking nursing staff, mid level practitioners, etc.

                                        #100897 Reply

                                          Many tech companies are ‘technically’ still under strict hiring freezes and have been for the last year.

                                          Also, due to abnormal retention, it seems companies are resorting to lay offs.

                                          It’s tough out there. *I’m in tech*

                                          #100898 Reply

                                            Tech was super busy sector mainly from Covid money being pumped into the economy.

                                            Now that it has dried up so have the jobs.

                                            #100899 Reply

                                              Well, my husband does business development in the financial world and he would tell you that a good CPA can make a whole lot of money right now.

                                              At least where we are, there seem to be a lot of well-qualified accountants/CPAs reaching retirement age, and not enough younger candidates to replace them.

                                              #100900 Reply

                                                Banks are seeing challenges due to the inverted yield curve. My employer beefed up staff in 2023 but enacted a hiring freeze for 2024, only replacing staff or eliminating positions when people resign but no new positions.

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