Are projected Social Security benefits on in current dollars or adjusted for future COLAs?

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  • #102949 Reply

      When you look at projected social security benefits on, are those in present dollars or are those adjusted for future COLA’s?

      To my reading of the website it seems like current dollars but not sure.

      I’m trying to understand whether the estimates provided reflect the value of benefits as they stand today or if they account for inflation and potential increases in the cost of living over time.

      Any insights or clarifications on how these projections are calculated would be greatly appreciated!”

      #102950 Reply

        I would say current dollars as they don’t yet know what the future COLA’s will be.

        #102951 Reply

          We have no idea what the COLA for 2024 will be, let alone out years….

          #102952 Reply

            Be aware it assumes you continue to work at the same rate you’re currently earning until the age you start taking distributions.

            If you plan to retire early, the estimate won’t be accurate.

            #102953 Reply

              It’s current dollars. I’ve been tracking mine for the last 9 years since I retired.

              And I’ve seen my projected benefit go up in line with the annual social security benefit increase.

              So, since I’m not working and paying in more, the only increase is from the actual COLA.

              #102954 Reply

                Current dollars. It doesn’t take into account cola’s or your future earnings increasing or decreasing

                #102955 Reply

                  Pretty sure its current dollars, but hoping someone else has a definitive answer

                  #102956 Reply

                    Current dollars. The cola adjustments are pretty fair. I have been getting significant boosts the last few years as inflation raged.

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