Are there high-interest accounts without employer deposit requirements?

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  • #102704 Reply

      I was just laid off, I have gone from earning 300k a year to no income.

      My spouse still earns about 160k a year and we rent our home and have no debt.

      We’re not in dire straights but I’d love to get some ideas from you all.

      I could go back to work but Im burnt out and my mental health and executive function is in tatters so I’d love to take a while off, spend some time with my kids and try not to spend very much.

      My main concern is that my high interest accounts are with Sofi and HSBC premier, i generate about 800 a month off the interest payments for them which I could use to cover expenses for a bit but I have to have a qualifying amount coming in from a payroll/ employer to get the high interest rate.

      Anyone know of ways around this?

      I can’t transfer my money from another bank account in my name, and my husbands account has my name on it.

      Are there any high interest accounts that you know of that don’t require employer deposits that I could maybe cycle my own money into to hit the requirement?

      Any other suggestions for me around this?

      #102705 Reply

        Can you invest in tbills? You can use a treasury ladder to time your maturities.

        An added bonus is that you don’t pay state tax on interest

        #102706 Reply

          Check out US Alliance savings accounts and 11 months no penalty CDs (you can open a bunch of smaller ones and cash in periodically)

          #102707 Reply

            I have a money market acct and a cash plus at vanguard, I think last I looked mm is 5.29% and cash plus (fdic insured) 4.5% today (it varies from about 5-4% since I’ve had it only a little while)

            I was laid off in March and felt the burn out too, just started the ready to get back to work and earn a paycheck like a week ago.

            If you can afford the time off take it, personally im in such a better headspace now that I gave myself time

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