Are there recommended RV travel groups for new retirees?

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  • #98393 Reply

      Are there any good recommended groups out there for people that are thinking about traveling the country in an RV when first going into retirement?

      The idea of doing that sounds great but it would be a huge change in most people’s way of life.

      I’d like to read more on it from people that have done it or are currently doing it

      #98394 Reply

        I’m sure ther is somewhere on the internet. I would rent one for a week and see how much you like it.

        Also it’s a huge buyers remorse industry, so definitely buy used if you make the plunge!

        #98395 Reply

          There are TONS, , rent one, try it out because I guarantee it’s different than what you may be thinking.

          Do your research, try it out for as long as possible before you spend big $ for trucks and a trailer and a BUNCH of stuff you’ll need including A LOT of money for repairs and emergancies.

          Many people absolutely love it, just know what you’re in for before going all in.

          #98396 Reply

            I have been doing it for 3+ years in a camper van. Let me know if you have questions! Worth it!

            #98397 Reply

              I think there is a group called RV life or van life you can join. Lots of skiers

              #98398 Reply

                We sold it all and RV traveled for nine months with the goal of finding a new home.

                We gave ourselves a year, but found our new home in nine months.

                It had its ups and downs, but I don’t regret the decision at all.

                #98399 Reply

                  WIN groups are acrossed amaerica.
                  Wandering Individuals Network
                  They are mostly retired people who travel in groups to camp across American

                  #98400 Reply

                    Has a young nurse I remember a couple who had sold everything bought a nice big trailer and a new truck.

                    He had a stroke within a year.

                    It was a very bad situation.

                    I promised myself I would always have a homebase to come back to.

                    We plan on doing this eventually with a Fitzell and a truck that we already have and use.

                    #98401 Reply

                      Remember too if you rent one that there are different ways to rv. Some people pick a spot for a season and settle in and make friends, others are loud radio, kids playing, enjoying family and dogs on vacation.

                      Try to imagine which type of place you want to try.

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