Beat the Heat: How to Keep Your Home Cool Without A/C

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  • #105199 Reply

      This week is a heatwave with today being the hottest at 97 degrees.

      I “prepped” the house the night before by using box fans to draw cool air overnight.

      By this morning, our house was a cool 60 degrees.

      I shut all the windows and drapes in the morning and the house stayed cool all the way until night time.

      Did not have to use the A/C at all! Today is an absolute win as usually we do the same routine, but still have to turn on the a/c for about 1-2 hours.

      #105200 Reply

        I do this all summer. Late afternoon/early evening when it gets a bit warm, I use spray bottles I keep around the house to spritz myself.

        This keeps me cool until it cools down again outside.

        I haven’t had the ac on once.

        #105201 Reply

          That’s great. Here In south Florida it would take a week for the ac to get back to speed if we turned it off.

          #105202 Reply

            If you want to get really serious, you can cut cardboard (the strong kind- like TV’s come in) to fit the windows.

            THAT really helps both winter and summer.

            #105203 Reply

              You must not live in Texas. It was a cool 90 degrees this morning. At least it wasn’t 95 till after lunch. But still cooler than the usual100 or better.

              #105204 Reply

                Hottest summer on record in Las Vegas and it’s still going strong. Much cooler than last month though. Pretty much 115-120 in July.

                #105205 Reply

                  I would’ve been happy with 97 today. It was 108 here, east of Pasadena.

                  #105206 Reply

                    We had no a.c. in TN when I was growing up. We had a huge ceiling fan in the hall and my Mom did the same thing.

                    #105207 Reply

                      I do this with a whole house fan and it is awesome what a great idea you had

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