Can I freeze pizza dough that has not yet been rolled out?

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  • #100659 Reply

      I’m looking for advice on freezing pizza dough.

      Specifically, I want to know if it’s possible to freeze pizza dough before it’s been rolled out.

      I’m considering making a batch of dough in advance and would like to freeze some for later use.

      If you’ve tried this before or know about it, please share your experience.

      Can the dough be frozen successfully before rolling it out?

      What is the best method for freezing it to ensure it stays fresh?

      How should I thaw and use the dough after freezing?

      #100660 Reply

        Yes. I do it all the time. I make dough for two pizzas, make one ball up, and freeze the other one in a ball.

        When I’m going to make the next pizza, I thaw the dough in frig over night and then set it out on counter till it sort of rises.

        You don’t really have to wait to use it though.

        #100661 Reply

          Yes! I worked at a mom & pops pizza shop years ago and we froze the dough in balls.

          Thaw overnight in the fridge, and roll out when ready to bake!

          #100662 Reply

            Oh heck yeah you can, you can freeze any yeast dough for later preparation.

            Grocery stores sell dough balls like this all the time!

            #100663 Reply

              Yes. However, you can roll it out bake just the dough for a few minutes and than freeze

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