Can I get a lower interest rate without hurting my credit score?

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  • #105232 Reply

      I have a question about personal loans. I have two offers currently.

      One is for 10,00 with an interest of 7,000 plus. Another for the same amount with an interest of 5,000.

      My question is…

      Is this the lowest interest I can get. I don’t want to keep applying in fear that it will affect my credit score.

      Please advise

      #105233 Reply

        You need to clarify the numbers.
        How much are you borrowing? $1000 or $10,000?

        Are the 5,000 and 7,000 the interest amounts, or interest rates (in which case they should be written 5.00% and 7.00%)

        The answer will depend on the answers to these questions

        #105234 Reply

          The interest is based on you credit score and repayment terms. There’s no way of us knowing if you can get something better without that information.

          Note… your score will drop if anyone does a credit check.

          #105235 Reply

            Are you needing a loan to pay off higher interest bearing debt or to purchase somrthing?

            #105236 Reply

              A credit card charges every month, line of credit or regular bank loans is usually less.

              But it keeps growing first few payments are all interest.

              Try to save up if you can.

              Only borrow if you really need to . Paying it back quickly will help.

              #105237 Reply

                Get the credit karma app. You’ll see your credit rating without hard inquiries, and they’ll send you offers based on your credit.

                #105238 Reply

                  Are these like payday loans because 50 percent or more interest is insane

                  #105239 Reply

                    Do you mean 7% and 5%? If so, those aren’t terrible rates. It all depends on your credit and what you might need…

                    you should also check for extra fees, and you’re right in thinking that applying repeatedly will effect your credit.

                    #105240 Reply

                      The total interest paid is a combination of your rate and length of repayment. Those are the figures you should be looking at.

                      Also do either of them have a prepayment penalty?

                      #105241 Reply

                        Rates depend on your credit rating. Are both offers for the same number of months? Look at the bottom line (this should be provided to you on the loan offer paperwork).

                        What is the cost of the loan (total interest to be paid).

                        Why do you need the loan?

                        Personal loans are typically higher interest rate than a car loan.

                        #105242 Reply

                          To clarify, you want to borrow 10 thousand dollars and one offer is at 7% interest and the other is at 5% interest.

                          The lower interest rate of 5% is the better deal BUT the length of the loan and fees comes into play.

                          One need do ALL the math to make the best choice.

                          #105243 Reply

                            Do all of your applications in the same month your score will go down but in a couple months it’ll go back up.

                            #105244 Reply

                              Don’t understand what you’re asking based on the commas in your numbers, nor the thousands of percent interest rate.

                              #105245 Reply

                                If you have anything to use as collateral it might help interest rate.

                                #105246 Reply

                                  Check the interest rate after the length of the love an. Sometimes after the back off day

                                  The rate will increased to a much high rate and any pen ding charges

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