Can I legally reclaim $40k loaned to my ex without a written agreement?

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  • #99402 Reply

      I have a question. I let my ex borrowed 40k to pay his truck of course he agreed to pay me back but I didn’t have that in writing.

      I been asking for the money and of course it’s always excuses.

      Am I able to do anything legally to get that money back?

      #99403 Reply

        depends… verbal agreements are also contracts

        #99404 Reply

          Without any written evidence or agreement in place you unfortunately just gave him a 40k gift.

          #99405 Reply

            If you do decide to write it off, be sure to file a 1099-C (Cancellation of Debt) with the IRS.

            It will force him to pay tax on the written off debt (Kinda like he had $40k in income since he essentiall did).

            A great way to get back at someone who owes you money!

            #99406 Reply

              Check with a lawyer, but if you don’t have it in writing, then the answer is probably no.

              #99407 Reply

                If you have exhausted all avenues, like court, and you just want revenge then, assuming you have his info—like his SSN and some kind of agreement or at the very least receipts for the vehicle, you can file a 1099c on him which is a way to discharge debt.

                This makes it so the IRS will then come after him for taxes on this “income” which will likely also place him in a higher tax bracket.

                If he can’t pay the taxes on the amount, he will probably get audited and dragged around a good deal.

                The discharged debt is gone, and ‘you’ are able to write it off on your taxes, which is a way to recoup at least part of it.

                On 40k that is a fairly big chunk of change to have a 1099c filed on you—this could really piss him off and all bridges would be burnt to cinders

                #99408 Reply

                  How was the money exchanged? Do you have any communication with him where he admits to owing the money, just hasn’t paid yet?

                  If not, get it. Then see a lawyer.

                  #99409 Reply

                    Depends on your state law re oral contracts. Get some written acknowledgements (eg text messages wherein he admits he owes you) as further evidence, as well as the trail of money coming from your account, going toward his car payment…. Sue.

                    #99410 Reply

                      Has he at least made any payments to pay you back? If so that could be that proof you need

                      #99411 Reply

                        I would start texting him to have a written track record and then take it further if he doesn’t pay up.

                        Something like:


                        I understand you’ve been going through some difficult times and haven’t been able to repay me for the money for your truck yet.

                        I do want to get a plan together for repayment though. When do you think you’ll be able to have the $40k back to me?

                        Talk through details in text, figure out a plan you’re happy with, and when he ultimately doesn’t pay up, take it further with your texts as reference.

                        #99412 Reply

                          Submit it to your small claims court. I’ve never don’t it, but I’m pretty sure you don’t NEED a lawyer to do this.

                          #99413 Reply

                            You will have to file suit and get a judgement against him that you can have a court enforce.

                            Any proof you have that it was a loan and not a gift like text or voicemails will be key.

                            #99414 Reply

                              If he claims the $40k was a gift, then can’t the OP report the gift and force the recipient to pay taxes on the amount in excess of the allowed amount?

                              #99415 Reply

                                Start making copies of text messages where he admits to owing you the money or implies that he owes you the money by conversing with you as if he owes you the money.

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