Can I mix dirt and leaves with cat litter to save on it?

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  • #103011 Reply

      anyone have ideas to save on cat litter

      I’m considering mixing dirt and leaves with my cat’s litter to make it last longer and save some money.

      Has anyone tried this before? If so, did it work well for odor control and absorption?

      Also, are there any potential risks or downsides to doing this that I should be aware of, such as health concerns for my cat or issues with clumping?

      I’d love to hear about any experiences or advice you have on this idea.

      Thanks in advance!

      #103012 Reply

        Use pine pellets, super cheap

        #103013 Reply

          Dirt and leaves do not absorb urine. It would be messy and probably stink.

          #103014 Reply

            Pine pellets sold as horse bedding at tractor supply or other farm supply store.

            About seven dollars for a 40 pound bag.

            Works great, cheap, doesn’t smell, they don’t track it all over the house.

            I love it.

            #103015 Reply

              Mine didn’t like the pine pellets. So, beware they might go outside the boxes.

              #103016 Reply

                Yeah… Don’t do that. When I had one cat, I spent $6 a year on litter.

                I buy a 40# bag of pine pellets in the horse bedding section and use a tidy cat breeze box.

                I remove the poop and then shake it a little.

                That leaves whole pellets above and urine and broken down pellet in the tray and I dump the tray every other day.

                Somehow adding a second cat sent my use up to 4 bags a year so now it’s $25/yr in litter for two….

                Which is next to nothing.

                I toss the poop and often put the wood dust in the compost pile. B

                #103017 Reply

                  We made sifting cat litter boxes from storage totes and use pine pellets.

                  #103018 Reply

                    Pine Pellets are way more affordable. Gradually add a small amount of pellets on one side of the litter box after a couple days, put a small amount over the whole clay litter box and then just slowly eliminate the clay and fill up with more pine.

                    When they pee it turns into sawdust and I just use a it’s made for pine litter boxes and sift the, sawdust into my garden or green compost bin

                    #103019 Reply

                      I think that would be one big mess. Cat might refuse to use it. Scoop it out daily.

                      #103020 Reply

                        We buy 40 pound bags of oil dry( clay) from the auto supply

                        #103021 Reply

                          Chewy has their house brand Frisco litter for 40lbs clumping for $18. There’s a deal running for new customers right now.

                          #103022 Reply

                            I know several people that taught their indoor cats to use the toilet. Apparently you can find a kit online to train your feline to use the loo.

                            Best of luck to you!

                            #103023 Reply

                              Agree with pine pellets. I have 1 19yr old cat and we made 2 tote litters.

                              They’re a lil bigger than traditional as he’s a bigger cat.

                              And higher walls help contain any mess.

                              Id like to say I scoop daily, but my dogs usually sneak to it before I check.

                              It’s always a morning rush to get to the litter before they do!

                              I bag up any waste, which helps stretch the pellets to last longer.

                              I do sprinkle some DE of baking soda on the very bottom to help control odors.

                              #103024 Reply

                                I use clumping so it never really gets changed. The used litter gets scooped out and the rest remains.

                                I haven’t dumped the litter box for over 2-3 years.

                                #103025 Reply

                                  Pea gravel and baking soda works pretty good. You just have to stay on top of it. You can rinse it off and reuse.

                                  Usually have to clean everyday.

                                  #103026 Reply

                                    No, please don’t. Many years ago I worked with a man that was angry at his cat for not using the litter box.

                                    The guy was using dirt from his yard.

                                    #103027 Reply

                                      I’ve used poultry chick starter for years, after learning about it in a thread about litter.

                                      My go to is from Farm and Fleet.

                                      Under $20 for a 40lb bag, clumps and flushable!

                                      #103028 Reply

                                        Pine pellets are cheap and smell good when mixed with the corn cob litter.

                                        This is all much healthier for your cats urinary tract and much better for the environment because we need that bentonite clay to lubricate water wells and others things, and not for our cats to sh!t in so we can throw it on the landfill.

                                        #103029 Reply

                                          If you are near a beach this may be an option. I have been using sand from the beach for over a year and I love it.

                                          I fill a few mesh type bags and then I have a closed tote at home where I store it.

                                          I still scoop the litter during the day but I change it daily.

                                          Try and go on a sunny day to the beach and scoop the top sand as it will be dry and watch as you scoop for anything that should not be in there.

                                          #103030 Reply

                                            Dollar Tree used to carry cat litter and there is a Walmart one that’s like $2.99 as well.

                                            In a pinch I would use shredded newspaper.

                                            Ive only had to do that a few times and it worked for a day or two until I could get liter.

                                            #103031 Reply

                                              I use cedarific. very reasonably price and then the next thing I would do is get big bundles of shredded cedar at tractor supply very cheap

                                              Kitty litters are toxic chemicals

                                              The closer to nature, you can get better

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