Can I open my own HSA and make pre-tax contributions if my employer plan isn’t HSA-eligible?

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  • #97315 Reply

      HSA question: my employee-sponsored plan does not have a high deductible HSA option. Can I open my own HSA? If so, how would I make “pre-tax” contributions? And also if possible, who do you recommend for the HSA? Thanks so much!

      #97316 Reply

        Are you saying your employer has an HSA eligible hdhp plan but not an HSA? If that is right, you can open an HSA with fidelity for no minimum stuck in cash, no fees, and tons of fund or etf options.

        You won’t be able to fund this via payroll deduction so you will miss out of avoiding the payroll tax. But you can find the fidelity HSA from your savings or checking and then claim that on your taxes which will reduce your federal income tax and in most but not all state income tax.

        Proposed: Best Fidelity HSA funds for long-term growth?

        #97317 Reply

          If your employer doesn’t offer an HSA compatible HDHP, then you cannot contribute to an HSA.

          Fortunately, there are lots of other opportunities for saving available.

          #97318 Reply

            Just a note…not all high deductible plans are eligible…there’s weird rules around it. Be sure to check there isn’t a reason they aren’t offering it!

            #97319 Reply

              As everyone has said, if your employer doesn’t offer it, then you can’t take advantage of it. Add this to the reasons why health care — AND savings — shouldn’t depend on who your employer is.

              #97320 Reply

                You would need to be enrolled in an HSA-eligible High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) in order to open and contribute to an HSA. Since you commented your employer doesn’t offer a HDHP, an HSA isn’t an option for you.

                Maxing a Roth IRA would be the next best thing to an HSA if you’re not already doing that. Also make sure you’re maxing your employer-sponsored retirement plan if they offer one.

                Recommended: HSA tax-free reimbursement for medical expenses?

                #97321 Reply

                  You can’t contribute to an HSA because you’re not eligible.

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