Can I save a little money for vacation and still enjoy thrifting?

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  • #98283 Reply

      I have been pinching pennies more than ever and donating plasma to have some spending money for vacation.

      It has not been easy but made me realize that I CAN save a little. We leave tomorrow for a friend’s cottage for 7 nights Private beach, kayaks, games etc.

      Some friends are coming for a couple of nights while we are there to help celebrate my youngest daughter’s 15th birthday.

      Every year I wish I had a little spending $ and this year I do.

      We will bring most of our food.

      The cottage is near a small seaside tourist town so it’s fun to go exploring.

      I am really excited!! My oldest son and his wife are visiting in a couple of weeks so I do want to save a little $$ for then too so I imagine I’ll still be fairly frugal.

      My 2 teen daughters love to thrift so I imagine we’ll do some of that too.

      The tourist shops are fun to look at but we get our shopping fix at the thrift stores.

      #98284 Reply

        Don’t forget you’re not just making money donating plasma, it can’t be made in a lab and you’re helping people who need it!
        Have a nice vacation!

        #98285 Reply

          My sister and I recently attended a beach weekend birthday party and the weather was not great.

          We went thrift shopping and had a blast.

          I got a tourist tee shirt for $4!

          #98286 Reply

            Great job! Memories are what counts! If you and kiddos love to thrift, try the goodwill bins!

            They could help you put aside $ for extras! You pay by the pound…

            More weight, cheaper by the pound.

            I just went (5+ hour drive rt).

            3 hours in the store digging through bins.

            Spent $50.25.

            I’m keeping 1/3 of what i purchased and will resell the other things on our local buy and sell.

            I know I will make triple of what I spend and I got my retail therapy with a great friend doing the same!

            (I found a brand new high chair seat for attaching to tables – I paid $3, it sells for $169!…and that’s just the beginning!)

            #98287 Reply

              I think of tourist shops like museums. Really interesting things to look at.

              #98288 Reply

                When my daughter was a teenager I used to paint people’s living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, clean basements, and garages.

                You do what you need to do to make sure that you can have a great time with your family.

                My daughter is now 49 and I wonder if she remembers her vacations.

                They weren’t much but they were the best I could do.

                Keep on trying to do the best you can, it’s all we can do.

                #98289 Reply

                  Before I travel I look up what charity and thrift stores are in the area.

                  I seem to always find something and not spend very much money…while creating cool memories of the locations.

                  This past month I was in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Iceland and Scotland …

                  went to 2 charity shops in Iceland and 4 in Scotland.

                  I brought back a terrific Iceland sweater that would have cost me well over $300 and bought it for $25! Picked up a pair of gloves too.

                  And of course, I had to buy a piece of costume jewelry in Scotland.

                  While at the charity shop in Shetland, Scotland I purchased 4 of the breast cancer pins and will proudly add them to my breast cancer hat!

                  Being frugal does not mean doing without…it means spending wisely.

                  Keep saving!

                  #98290 Reply

                    Sounds wonderful enjoy!! May I ask where this is as I need a vacation and this sounds like something I might like to do!!


                    #98291 Reply

                      One of my best memories as a child was the summers my parents and farmhouse with some other families.

                      It was so much fun.

                      No tv, swimming at a state park every day, games every night.

                      The moms cooked no take out back then.

                      So hard to pull off today but sounds like you have a great plan.

                      #98292 Reply

                        Just like spending small amounts adds up. So does saving small amounts!

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