Can my mom recover her $149,000 after the state levy and missed taxes?

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  • #98098 Reply

      My mom has a hair salon and work by appointment don’t make much only have one chair..

      her tax accountant got all the statements and has refused to file the tax returns on time resulting in late fafsa having me pay a semester of college out of pocket.

      So the IRS made an estimate on how much my mom makes since like 2018 And she owes $149,000 in taxes and barely goes to the shop !!!

      I told her the tax accountant she said we will figure this out.

      My mom didn’t wanna get a new tax accountant because they established a relationship for years and the lady does taxes on the side doesn’t take it seriously.

      So now fast forward to nine months later (yesterday) the state does a levy takes $149,000 from my moms brokerage !!!

      I am so furious I called her she said on Monday we’ll make calls to figure this out.

      She still has not submitted the tax documents from previous years.

      Do you think my mom would be able to get her money back?

      Because that money was her lifetime savings

      #98099 Reply

        You don’t want to change accountants because you have a relationship but they haven’t been filing your taxes for years while you’re been paying them to do so?

        That is outrageously fucked.

        #98100 Reply

          There is absolutely no way this has happened that quickly, nor could it be a surprise.

          She hasn’t paid taxes since 2018?

          There has to be more to the story if she barely works and they think she owes that much

          #98101 Reply

            How does mom feel now her “friend’s” negligence wiped out her savings?

            THAT may provide insight into how YOU need to proceed.

            If she’s ok, then I would let it go.

            Not your problem, and there’s something she’s not telling you.

            #98102 Reply

              You can’t be that ignorant , how do you not know if your accountant filed YOUR taxes or not.

              People file taxes every year and you have to sign when you file.

              #98103 Reply

                If that’s a CPA, contact the state board of accountancy ASAP to file a complaint.

                Either way, contact a good tax attorney or EA to help you deal with the IRS or things will only get worse

                #98104 Reply

                  I •think• that this is coming from a daughter or son who has the hair stylist as their mother…

                  atp it’s on your mother.

                  I would have changed accountants yesterday.

                  Correct me if I am wrong, please?

                  #98105 Reply

                    You are responsible to understand if your taxes are filed or not. Even if you pay someone else to do them.

                    Tough lesson.

                    If your mom hasn’t paid any taxes in 6 years $149k is probably not a surprising amount.

                    That’s about.

                    $25k per year.

                    Doesn’t seem outrageous to me unless She has a bunch of deductions which if that were the case would probable have been mentioned.

                    #98106 Reply

                      If your mom has a hair salon and other people are paying her chair rent for their space, she makes more than you think especially to owe $149k in backed taxes.

                      At this point, all you can control is you if she won’t listen.

                      Are you still depending on her for the majority of your care?

                      You may want to research whether you can separate yourself from her so that you can get your school situation fixed.

                      #98107 Reply

                        Unfortunately, it’s a painful lesson. No matter if you hire someone who does it on the side or is a licensed CPA, you are always personally responsible for verifying that things were submitted.

                        It sounds like your mom needs a CPA and to have them work with the IRS on a payment plan, and to get this all sorted.

                        #98108 Reply

                          The unasked question here is WHY is your Mother allowing this?

                          What is going on that she knows there’s a problem and refuses to do anything about it.

                          If that were my Mother we would be having a difficult conversation here.

                          Ignoring an issue of this magnitude causes me to question if she is capable of handling her financial affairs.

                          Get competent legal representation today.

                          If your Mother refuses to act I would be talking to an Attorney about mental competence. Seriously.

                          You DO NOT mess around with tax bills.

                          At some point of this process your Mother could be charged for tax evasion.

                          Obviously they’ve already levied a large amount.

                          Is that the total due? Or is it the total she had in her account?

                          #98109 Reply

                            Your mother needs qualified representation to sort this out. Find a CPA, EA or Tax Attorney ASAP.

                            Not responding to IRS demands within the timeframe requested can limit her resolution options.

                            #98110 Reply

                              We have friends who used the same tax accountant as us for many years. We both ended up owing a ton…

                              And then they went with a new person and ended up getting $100K in back taxes refunded, they filed for several years back.

                              We also got a new person and ended up re-filing for at least 2 years back to save at least several thousand.

                              Who you have matters.

                              Someone doing it on the side does not have your best interest in mind, they are not a fiduciary.

                              You need someone who can also do tax planning for you, they will save you thousands, if not tens of thousands.

                              #98111 Reply

                                It was your mother’s responsibility to make sure her tax returns were filed & any taxes paid in on a timely basis.

                                She should immediately request the return of any and all tax documents that her old accountant may still have in their possession and then hire a more competent accountant/tax preparer or licensed CPA (preferably one experienced in dealing with IRS tax matters)

                                to help resolve prior year tax issues & properly file tax returns going forward.

                                IRS does not levy funds unless you’ve repeatedly ignored their written requests for tax returns and tax payments.

                                Had she & her accountant not ignored this issue, it would’ve been easy to work with the IRS to set up a payment plan to avoid a tax levy.

                                Now it’s unlikely she’ll get her funds back unless she gets current with her tax return filings & proves the taxes actually owed (plus accumulated penalties & interest) are less than the $149K.

                                Good luck

                                #98112 Reply

                                  This “accountant” is destroying your mom’s future retirement. They need to be gone instantly.

                                  #98113 Reply

                                    File a grievance against the tax person. You might could have a lien put against her business.

                                    Call the BBB.

                                    #98114 Reply

                                      It’s why I don’t trust tax accountants period and always do it myself.

                                      I’ve been screwed over a couple times.

                                      Doesn’t matter how minor the problem is, I left and started doing it myself.

                                      If this is not a wake up call for her, I don’t know what is.

                                      Would helping her find a better tax accountant make her change?

                                      Maybe she uses that as an excuse so she doesn’t have to go searching.

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