Can you refill Airwick oil diffusers with your own essential oils?

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  • #107893 Reply

      If anyone uses the Airwick essential oil mist diffusers here’s a frugal tip. I got to wondering if I popped the top off of the empty bottle and added my own essential oils if it would work.

      It does! I like I reuse the bottles, less waste and can use what scent I like, it’s cheaper too.

      #107894 Reply

        Be aware of toxic side effects for pets with certain essential oils.

        #107895 Reply

          YES! I reuse them myself for outside! Make your own citronella! I boil about 10 cloves in a cup of water. Mix 50/50 the clove water and lemon juice and plug it in outside to deter mosquito’s and other bugs on your patio.

          #107896 Reply

            Reminder, clean has no scent. Scents made from chemicals can’t be good for us.

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