Can you share instructions for freezing cucumbers to keep them crispy?

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  • #103762 Reply

      I tried searching it but can’t find it, someone wrote they froze cukes and when they thawed them there were still crispy, would you mind giving me the instructions.

      I’m looking for advice on the best method to freeze cucumbers while keeping them crispy.

      I’ve heard that freezing can sometimes make cucumbers lose their texture and become soggy, so I’m curious if anyone has had success with a specific technique or preparation method that helps preserve their crunch.

      Whether it’s for adding to salads, snacks, or other dishes, I’d love to know your tips and tricks for freezing cucumbers without compromising their texture.

      Any insights, personal experiences, or step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated!

      thank you.

      #103763 Reply

        We make a pickled frozen cucumber that when thawed, aren’t crispy like fresh, but they do actually still have a bit of a bite to them and aren’t just total mush.

        #103764 Reply

          I have added frozen pieces of cucumbers to a smoothie!

          #103765 Reply

            This is false. I have accidentally frozen a cucumber in the back of my fridge and it turns to mush after.

            Not bad if you want to blend in a smoothie though

            #103766 Reply

              Usually, when water freezes, the volume increases, which breaks the tissue around it.

              There are commercial freezers, called tunnel freezer or quick freezer which freeze vegetable super fast.

              The ice formed inside the vegetables are much smaller particles and do not break the tissue around “as much.”

              But I don’t think the technology is there to have “fresh vegetables” when thawed.

              You can definitely freeze cucumbers and they are totally edible after thawed, but not like fresh cucumbers.

              #103767 Reply

                Whenever cucumbers have frozen in my fridge, they always thaw mushy. I have a hard time believing frozen cucumbers would thaw and still be crispy.

                #103768 Reply

                  Definitely not. Mine freeze when my fridge gets too cold and they are yucky

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