Cooling Strategies: Saving on Summer Electric Bills in Florida

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  • #97334 Reply

      I saved maybe 5% on my last electric bill by raising the the house temperature 1 degree. 5% can be a lot or a little depending on your electric bill.

      The heat has been brutal this summer here in Florida. The daytime high temperatures have been just a couple of degrees above normal, but the night never really cools down. I could not have tolerated this increase had I not moved the standing fans to intercept the ac air coming out of the vent and direct it straight at me. That air is cold! And pretty quick, I am very cool and stay cool awhile. Like a dip in the pool.

      Normally the ac air blends in with the room air and that’s not very cool.

      Along with the dehumidifier keeping the humidity down to 50-70%, this summer looks tolerable for me and my pocketbook.

      #97335 Reply

        I keep my thermostat at 74 instead of the 72 I used in previous years. I also waited until Memorial Day weekend to start using my AC. I know some states cannot do this but it was possible where I live.

        My electric bills have been significantly lower this year.

        I like the lower temperature better but I don’t need it to be.

        #97336 Reply

          We were able to go from 70 during the day to 75. We raised it a little every day to get use to it. From 68 to 71 at night. We use our ceiling fans and also keep blinds shut on the sunny side of the house. Waiting for our next utility bill.

          #97337 Reply

            I ended up getting a patio door curtain and hung it across my front door. The afternoon sun would be so intense on that door and make the whole front of the house hard to keep cool.

            I’ve noticed a 5°-8° drop in temp just from keeping that curtain closed once the sun comes around that side of the house.

            Really helps the air conditioning.

            Recommended: Tips on lowering electric/water bills?

            #97338 Reply

              I keep it at 76 daytime with a ceiling fan, plus a box fan facing me in the room I’m in. It gradually is set to go down to 71 at night for sleeping, I need it cooler in order to sleep.

              I still need a fan at night too.

              #97339 Reply

                Ceiling fans help a lot! I’m with you on bumping up the inside temp when the outside is 95 degrees or more!

                #97340 Reply

                  I put it on 84, 78 at night. Hoping the bill is more reasonable!

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