Creative Solutions for Rising Dog Food Costs: From Kibble to Stock

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  • #108338 Reply

      I am stunned at how much dog food has gone up in price. We give our dogs kibble and used to buy canned food but canned food has gone through the roof in process. $31 for 152 ounces of dog food (12 cans).

      At our local grocery store they sell a 10 pound bag of chicken quarters for $6. I bake the chicken, debone it and give make it into dog food.

      I also can so I can some of the dog food for days that we are in between making chicken and buying chicken. I also boil every other batch and make chicken stock out of the broth.

      The bones I keep for another round of stock and then after I bake them and run them through the blender for bone meal for my garden.

      Waste not, want not.

      #108339 Reply

        Frugal is good, but sadly this is not a healthy diet for a dog. There are canine nutritionist that can help you formulate a healthy homemade dog food.

        I had a dog that I consulted with one to make his food due to chronic gastritis.

        To make it balanced it is not cheaper than buying a mid quality food, about the same price as a high quality one.

        What you’re making would be a great topper for a balanced kibble.

        Yours is missing taurine (necessary for heart health), leafy green veggies and healthy oils (especially essential for large breed dogs joints).

        #108340 Reply

          Unfortunately the number one allergen for dogs is chicken. Both my German Shepherds are allergic to chicken

          #108341 Reply

            Wow!! I was praying all week wondering how I was going to feed our dogs with the shortages we are starting to get.

            We buy $250 in dogfood for abt 20 plus dogs of all sizes. (Yes, we live in the country.)

            I know I will have to start some how soon to make there food and mine also from scratch.

            Is bread good for dogs also?

            #108342 Reply

              I’d add a vitamin supplement as well as that bone meal to the dog food too

              #108343 Reply

                The problem with making your own dog food is that you have to be really careful to make sure your dog gets all the right nutrients. Chicken and rice and veggies won’t be healthy long term.

                There won’t be enough calcium unless you’re adding bone or bone meal.

                You also need organs. Your dog doesn’t need rice, that’s a cheap filler but it’s not providing any necessary nutrients.

                #108344 Reply

                  Speak with your vet about their new diet so (s)he can suggest what other vitamins and nutients they need.

                  Not giving them a balanced diet can cause all kinds of problems that will end up costing you a lot more in the long run.

                  #108345 Reply

                    Is this on top of kibble?
                    Otherwise i gotta say, Muscle and organ meat? Bone? Vitamins?

                    Not balanced and could create problems and create vet bills in the future.

                    Feed from home but make sure it’s balanced.

                    #108346 Reply

                      All my dogs over the last 50 years have had home cook up with turmeric powder etc
                      Rose hip powder on top of their meal olive oil etc

                      Never had tumours or kidney problems definitely no kibble!!
                      Charcoal biscuits for treat.

                      They have lived long healthy lives no vet bills except vaccinations..

                      #108347 Reply

                        You’d might consider a vitamin supplement.

                        #108348 Reply

                          I have never considered making my own bone meal. I recycle as much as possible and I compost, so this idea is really intriguing.

                          How long do you have to bake the bones before you can grind them?

                          And what temperature?

                          #108349 Reply

                            I’ve got to do the baking of the bones. I haven’t tried this trick yet.

                            #108350 Reply

                              Do you have a recipe? Chicken, rice, carrots, anything else that I can’t see in the jar?

                              #108351 Reply

                                I used to buy the leg quarters and cook for my pets
                                Add rice and leftover veggies
                                It would feed them for a week

                                #108352 Reply

                                  All great ideas. I hope you are balancing your dogs nutritional needs though.

                                  Bone broth is so healthy for them. We do a lot of toppers.

                                  Frozen fruits, veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese and dehydrate a bunch.

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