Debt-Free Milestone: Celebrating Financial Freedom and New Beginnings

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  • #101616 Reply

      I just paid off a consolidation loan, it feels great to be out from under one of my debts!

      Time to roll that big payment into something else and pay the next thing off.

      And my “primary job” is starting again tomorrow, elementary school lunch lady.

      I’ll be getting “regular paychecks” again WOOP WOOP!

      #101617 Reply

        We get paid all year long at our district. Little less each pay, but it’s 26 paychecks a year

        #101618 Reply

          It’s like eating an elephant! One bite at a time, and pretty soon it’s all gone! Congratulations!

          #101619 Reply

            Congratulations; thank you for your primary job; lunch ladies were my favorite staff members.

            #101620 Reply

              Good work! And thanks for being the lunch person. I was a cafeteria monitor and always told the students to be kind and say please and thank you because the lunch people work very had to provide meals.

              #101621 Reply

                I’m a manager in a school cafe love my job 22 years and counting

                #101622 Reply

                  Congratulations! Keep at it. Getting control of your budget is so rewarding.

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