Disappointing Produce Experience Turned Positive: The Importance of Freshness

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  • #103775 Reply

      I’ve been frequenting a local chain supermarket through the flash food app and yesterday I picked up 2 $3 mixed produce.

      I was very disappointed in the quality of a few of the fruits and vegetables.

      I paid a total of $6 and probably got my money’s worth but still not happy with the molded and condition of some.

      I called the store manager this morning to complain.

      He was very understanding and agreed that I should not have been given produce that was over ripe or molded.

      He told me to come in anytime and receive 2 free bags of produce.

      He also said he would reprimand the employee who bagged the produce yesterday.

      I’m glad I called.

      I even considered taking pictures.
      Overall, I received nice produce:

      Peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, apples, etc.

      We deserve healthy food and flashfood isn’t intended for unhealthy eating!

      #103776 Reply

        I have to check the produce I buy very carefully bc I’m allergic to mold and have to carry an epi.

        If my food has mold on it I bring the food, the receipt & my epi w/ me.

        I’ve been able to get my $ back.

        #103777 Reply

          Not flashflood but I bought 3 clearance meal kits at Kroger, got home opened one to prepare and it was rancid.

          Took all three back to customer service and she said”that’s why it was marked down, we don’t return clearance items”.

          I said “so you sell spoiled food at a discount?”.She said ” well if you buy markdown food that’s a chance you take”.

          I had her call another manager and they returned my money ” just this one time” while treating me like I was the most unreasonable person they had ever met.

          #103778 Reply

            More than one grocery near me has raised produce prices through the roof while blatantly selling moldy, mushy produce for those high prices.

            Drove me to full on gardening.

            Am loving what I harvest here at home!

            #103779 Reply

              I’ve found Flashfood to be very good about refunds. There is a place on the app to contact (email) customer service.

              They respond quickly and have refunded my money on the rare occasions I’ve received subpar items.

              Love Flashfood!

              #103780 Reply

                Buy frozen produce. A lot of times it’s cheaper than fresh & more nutritious

                #103781 Reply

                  I love aldis for my produce. The most I ever spent at aldis is 175ish dollars bc I bought a grill top pizza oven (which is amazing btw) and a couple rocking folded chairs (which are also amazing and great quality).

                  I’ve never had a bad set of produce and they have a alternating set of ice cream treats cheap that my kids love.

                  My favorite is the strawberry and cream ice cream cones.

                  #103782 Reply

                    I use Flashfood all the time. The store I use has their employees trained to look at produce and if it’s molded or looking spoiled – they will tell you to go get the items in produce.

                    I’m glad you called to talk to them about it, sounds to me like a training issue.

                    I hate complaining – but I do it because I always think is there a training opportunity.

                    #103783 Reply

                      I’ve never used a flash food app, but most all fruits n veggies on display at my local grocer chains is soft, bruised, and often molding.

                      If not, it’s moldy by morning.

                      And this isn’t even sale or discount produce! Combine with high prices, and the fact these larger chains squeezed out the smaller privately ran grocers, there’s not much choice.

                      I’ve had to stop buying produce for the most part.

                      I grow what I can myself and stop at local stands during the summer when certain produce is in season, then rarely purchase much of anything else.

                      I’ve ran back produce many of times.

                      Pointed out rotting produce to employees.

                      But I don’t have the time to return things every time!

                      So, I either cut out all the bad and often mold spots, and use what I can, or don’t buy at all.

                      Super frustrating. There’s not many other options in my area any more like there used to be.

                      When small businesses strived for the best deals and best looking Products because they heavily relied on satisfied customers or went under.

                      These big corporations seem to do as they please.

                      And they know most don’t have other options, so they continue

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