Discovering the Value of Thrifting: A Reality Check on Style & Savings

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  • #101647 Reply

      So today on a whim, I went to a popular retail store to see what was in style.

      I haven’t done that in years! Well, I walked around twice and only found one pair of pants that I sort of liked for $48 on sale, so I hightailed it to Goodwill and found a cute shirt and pants for under $10 because it was senior day!

      What a reality check that thrifting has the best variety of styles at great prices.

      #101648 Reply

        Last time I went out looking at clothes, I was so disappointed.

        Not only the pricing, but the styles, materials used, and just how cheap it all looked and felt.

        Nothing caught my eye. I wear for function anyhow, and not one to really dress up often.

        I’m not paying $80 for a pair of super thin jeans with no to little pockets, belt loops only for show, and made with extra toxic dyes that they put a warning label on the jeans (this was Boscovs).

        Cotton was polyester and fleece so no real cotton anything. The shirts were extra thin with material, cut in styles I don’t care for.

        And nothing even felt good to the touch.

        2nd hand, here I come! Whether it be a Salvation Army, yard sale, or donation.

        Haven’t bought new clothes in at least 10 years. I get “new to me” clothes, and cycle through older clothing to donate back, or repurpose.

        #101649 Reply

          At my goodwill you could not get a blouse and pants for 10,00. Havent been able to for years.

          #101650 Reply

            98% of the to the thrift stores to buy clothes. I walk away empty handed.

            Maybe 1 or 2 a year I find something.

            But that’s because I am plus size.

            I have also lived in rural areas all my life.

            #101651 Reply

              My only indulgence is LLBean. They fit, I’m comfortable. And they last.

              #101652 Reply

                I bought two pair of black slacks..$8 each..1 still with tags. Very stylish and I love them.

                #101653 Reply

                  The new style of shorts & shirts are too short for my daughter’s school dress code.

                  We have to look at thrift stores to find things that are appropriate!

                  #101654 Reply

                    I had a similar experience. I went to a popular “outlet mall” while on vacation.

                    I used to love going there…

                    I went in only a couple of stores and just looked at all the excess! So many clothes that were still too pricey….

                    No thanks.

                    I prefer consignment and thrift.

                    #101655 Reply

                      I love thrifting. I have so much trouble bringing myself to buy new new clothes.

                      if I do its jeans just bc its so hard to get a good fit

                      #101656 Reply

                        Went to an outlet mall yesterday outside of Atlanta.
                        All the name-brand
                        stores were there.

                        Believe me NOT outlet prices.

                        Complained to worker at Express outlet.

                        She said groceries were expensive too.


                        #101657 Reply

                          I have a St. Vincent dePaul thrift store close to me..I find alot of good deals plus I donate back!!!

                          #101658 Reply

                            we are the same. Haven’t done retail in years, went with my grand daughters shopping for a birthday gift …a hoodie was $80.00.

                            Talk about sticker shock, glad I wasn’t buying!

                            #101659 Reply

                              After years of thrifting, I’ve peeked in regular retail stores—and even outlets—and I get sticker shock every time.

                              Unfortunately, I get sticker shock at some “thrift” stores, too, these days.

                              I stay away from consignment stores as a rule for the same reason.

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