Do hospitals offer unpublished hotel room rates for patients and visitors?

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  • #103469 Reply

      So I found out hospitals often have unpublished rates for hotel rooms for patients pre/post op and visitors. Very good for some properties.

      “Are there any special, unpublished hotel room rates available for patients and their visitors near hospitals?

      I’m curious if hospitals or their affiliated organizations have negotiated discounts or exclusive deals with nearby hotels that aren’t widely advertised.

      If so, how can one access these rates?

      Any insights on whether these rates vary by hospital, location, or patient circumstances would be greatly appreciated.

      I’m also interested in hearing about people’s experiences with these rates, whether they found them to be significantly more affordable, and if they encountered any challenges in booking them.

      Please share any tips or advice on how to secure the best possible accommodation deals when staying near a hospital for medical reasons.”

      #103470 Reply

        Most even have Ronald McDonald houses near the hospital campus. My last room was $30 a night and it was really nice and right across the street from the hospital

        #103471 Reply

          A lot of non-profit hospitals will put people up. I work for a large hospital system and we are very generous with donations for patients, especially ones that have ongoing treatments and need help with gas to get to appointments or even their bills.

          We also have a large community house where relatives can stay if their loved one is in the hospital

          #103472 Reply

            My husband was in the Sentara Heart Hospital in Norfolk, VA last year and I found out they had limited guest rooms for $35 a night!

            They were basic with two twin beds and a tv, half bath but showers in the hall and a kitchen you could use.

            #103473 Reply

              Some of them have houses that they let patients’ families stay at for free or very inexpensive.

              My niece stayed in a room in one when my sister was dying, she was afraid to leave to go home to shower or nap because it would take an hour to travel both ways.

              It was a blessing during a really bad time

              #103474 Reply

                My husband was at a not for profit hospice and I was able to sleep there for about a month.

                I was forever grateful.

                #103475 Reply

                  I worked for 25 years at a Catholic high school next to a large university hospital.

                  We put families up in the old boarding wing when people came from out of state for surgeries or extended treatment.

                  Nothing fancy but clean, quiet, and close to their loved one.

                  I think it was just on a donation basis, arranged by the hospital.

                  #103476 Reply

                    One of the major hospitals near me has little hotel rooms in the hospital for famiy of heart patients that are stqying there for care long term.

                    #103477 Reply

                      Yes they’ve had that for years as well as for immediate family n close friends.

                      As long as your needing hospital care, near by hotels offer a hefty discount.

                      You must prove though your there as a out of the area usually 40 + miles and your loved one is hospitalized.

                      It’s actually very simple.

                      And often times a simple hotel breakfast is included.

                      If you ask it’s much cheaper to get a tray of food than eating out and you eat with your loved one.

                      The hospital we use it’s $8 for my husband for a tray of food that he chooses what’s on it thru a menu.

                      When they deliver my food he gets his tray.

                      I’ve cancer n kidney disease.

                      We’ve been using the hospital a lot lately.

                      In fact I’m having another surgery in 10 hours.

                      #103478 Reply

                        The university hospital that I get some care has their own inn inside the large medical center.

                        I will be staying there in two weeks after some testing.

                        #103479 Reply

                          It’s definately worth checking! I asked about that when I was staying overnight near my dad and the rates were not that great so I just got my own cheaper hotel.

                          But then that cheaper hotel was pretty awful.

                          So, I probably should have done the ones the hospital had on their sheet.

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