Do you guys invest in both VTI and VOO or one of the two and why one over the other?

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  • #99814 Reply

      I’m considering investing for the long term and am torn between VTI and VOO.

      Do any of you invest in both, or do you prefer one over the other?

      I’d love to hear your reasons and experiences.

      Specifically, what factors influenced your decision, and how have your investments performed?

      Any insights on the benefits and drawbacks of each option would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you!

      #99815 Reply

        If these are in a brokerage account they are good options to use when tax loss harvesting.

        Ie: sell one for loss and immediately buy the other so you’re never out of the market but still capture the loss for your taxes.

        #99816 Reply

          VOO has consistently outperformed VTi and is projected to continue to do so.

          I hold both due to different retirement plan offerings but prioritize VOO when I can.

          VTI holds some stocks of unprofitable companies that pulls it down ever so slightly.

          If you are stuck though VTI performs almost as well and would suffice

          #99817 Reply

            I might have some of both, but it wasn’t so much intentional as what I was feeling at the time and since they’re both profitable at the moment no point paying tax to switch to one.

            ’ve changed my mind a bit over the years and have some VTI, some VOO and some QQQM, but they are all a part of my target asset allocation of 20% large cap growth.

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