Do you use HSA funds for medical bills or prefer to save them?

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  • #107371 Reply

      Curious what other with HSAs do. When you have medical bills do you use your HSA funds? Or are other trying to not touch HSA funds?

      I don’t have a great gameplay for medical bills, I don’t have too many but the occasional doctor visit and 1 monthly prescription.

      #107372 Reply

        We pay out of pocket for any deductibles and expenses, which are very minor, if any. Always keep the receipts filed for future withdrawals.

        We use our HSA as a retirement supplement due to the outstanding tax benefits.

        #107373 Reply

          We do not touch them. One of the best investment vehicles is an hsa

          #107374 Reply

            I do. That’s what it’s for. I have buckets of money for all my spending categories.

            I don’t need to wait until I’m dead to not spend money for what it was saved for.

            #107375 Reply

              Trying hard not to spend the money now unless an emergency but keeping receipts for everything I do pay for so I can reimburse myself later if needed.

              #107376 Reply

                I scan/take a picture of all medical receipts and put them in a folder in the cloud and I pay like I pay everything else, with a credit card that gives me rewards.

                When I retire I’ll use the tax advantaged money as I see fit.

                #107377 Reply

                  Have never spent a penny out of HSA. If all goes according to plan, will be able to live on HSA funds alone for 5’ish years between retirement and 65 while receiving subsidized Obamacare.

                  #107378 Reply

                    I pay the bills on a cc to generate points and keep track on a spreadsheet of what my outstanding reimbursements are. The hsa funds stay invested.

                    Worst case scenario it can be an extra emergency fund.

                    #107379 Reply

                      Save the bills, pay cash for the expense now from not the hsa, invest the hsa, and use the bills to cash out the hsa tax free in 3-5+ decades

                      #107380 Reply

                        One day I’ll prioritize saving receipts but I’m not there yet. In the meantime I just use it sparingly.

                        #107381 Reply

                          try not to touch the hsa funds, assuming u have cash to pay off the medical bills, so they can grow tax free in there

                          #107382 Reply

                            I use it to cover any expenses in real time and invest any excess even though I realize this is not fully optimizing it.

                            I do not want the headache of keeping track of receipts for potentially years and years.

                            #107383 Reply

                              I pay now out of pocket, saving receipts ($45k in receipts now) to reimburse myself sometime in the future tax-free.

                              #107384 Reply

                                I try not to use it but do if I need it in a given year. Note that some hsa’s will start assessing fees if your balance drops too low.

                                I moved mine to Fidelity along with the rest of my money to avoid this issue.

                                You can consolidate from multiple accounts to one.

                                #107385 Reply

                                  Do you all recommend HSA even if you utilize lots of medical services now? Does it still Pay off?

                                  #107386 Reply

                                    That’s what I am doing. It will help me bridge the gap between retirement and Medicare. I am also saving my receipts in case I need to dip into my HSA.

                                    #107387 Reply

                                      I have an employer sponsored HSA that I use for paying bills. My deductible is $3000/yr and my employer funds it with $1500/yr.

                                      I then max out a second HSA with Fidelity that I use for investing.

                                      I don’t trust myself to maintain those receipts for an extended period of time.

                                      #107388 Reply

                                        I don’t spend it. I keep my absolute max out if pocket I might have to spend if disaster strikes in the cash portion, (I have enough cash to cover out of pocket outside of HSA) the rest is invested.

                                        #107389 Reply

                                          Okay, can someone explain the logic of not spending HSA money to me? We max ours out every year (and spend it all every year, plus some).

                                          I don’t get the math, you have to pay your medical bills, you can pay it with money you pay taxes on and save your HSA money, or you can pay with your HSA money and invest the other stuff tax free anyway (like an IRA/401k)…

                                          if you max out all your tax exempt accounts, I still don’t understand the benefit of not using your HSA money.

                                          #107390 Reply

                                            I use mine for massages, licensed acupuncturist visits where some plans only cover chiros/MDs/pts who are only required to have a 100 hour course in dry needling versus a REAL acupuncturist with a master’s degree or doctorate solely IN the TCM field, and things like home saunas and such that normal policies won’t cover.

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