Does anyone have a good calculator for investments?

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  • #80118 Reply

      I’m BS5-BS7, but wanting to do more than the 15% eventually to retire early. I’m 27, so trying to figure out that number. It’s hard Bc we don’t have kids yet, so I can’t exactly calculate my financial independence number.

      But if I can get an idea of what my number is and then how long it’ll take me to get there based on average returns, and how much I invest a month?

      #80119 Reply

        On steps 1-3 no investing on 4-6 invest 15% on step seven you max out all retirement options every year. If you dint have kids you skip step 5…

        #80120 Reply

          There’s a compound interest calculator app I use. Obviously you have to make some assumptions as to investment performance and inflation, but it’s fun to play with.
          You can build an excel sheet to play with numbers as well.

          #80121 Reply

            Any compound interest calculator will work.

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