Does anyone still use cash envelopes for budgeting in this electronic age?

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  • #101260 Reply

      Does anyone do cash envelopes anymore? I feel like our world is so electronic that all transactions are on cards but we are struggling to keep a budget.

      In today’s digital world, where mobile apps and online banking have become the norm for managing finances, do people still find value in using cash envelopes for budgeting?

      I’m curious to hear from anyone who continues to use this traditional method or has switched back to it after trying digital options.

      What are the benefits or challenges you’ve experienced?

      Does the tangible nature of cash help you manage money better, or do you find it outdated compared to the convenience of electronic tools?

      Please share your thoughts and experiences.

      #101261 Reply

        I do for groceries. I take out my budgeted amount once a month and have a separate wallet for that with my loyalty cards.

        Any leftover cash gets put in a separate envelope for those big stock up times.

        #101262 Reply

          I think it still makes sense for things that you buy in person – pay rent and utilities electronically, but food and clothes and entertainment with cash envelopes.

          #101263 Reply

            Other than household bills I use all cash. I have done it long enough that I do not need the envelopes anymore, but I love cash, and the savings some business’s give me for using it.

            I started this at 30, 76 and it still works for me.

            #101264 Reply

              My granddaughter does. She is 18 and has a considerable amount saved doing it this way.

              #101265 Reply

                My son is 27. With all the technology and Apps he grew up with and uses, he still does the envelope system I taught him when he was young

                #101266 Reply

                  Not all places take cash anymore so it’s hard to keep to what you need with the cash envelopes sometimes.

                  I use cash foe my fun money.

                  That way I won’t over spend with it.

                  But I do have a credit union and have about 6 accounts that I deposit the budget into and when I swipe my regular card I’ll move the finds out of that account to cover it.

                  This way I stick to my 200 a month grocery, 100 a month fun ect and I can pay everything electronically for bills

                  #101267 Reply

                    We do a bit of both, cash for groceries and any activities/clothes/fun money.

                    But everything else is electronic and looked over monthly.

                    #101268 Reply

                      Nope. Our bank has a system that works for us, and with how our bills are set up it’s all automatically taken out of our account.

                      #101269 Reply

                        The cash envelope system is good but if you can pull in off from a HYS you would be making money at the same time.

                        Cash under your mattress doesn’t even keep up with inflation.

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