Does anyone within an hour of Nashville or Chattanooga know a great, informative accountant?

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  • #97083 Reply

      Anyone on here live in Tn within an hour of Nashville or Chattanooga that has a great accountant that informs them instead of telling you to just drop off what you have for your taxes? I have a WOB that is a LLC and my husband gets a W2.

      I have changed accountants 2 times in the last 5 years because I don’t feel like I am getting the information I should. Example- I ask if the interest on our homes could be a write off or part of it? Answer- No

      I see on here where some of y’all are saying yes and I can’t imagine that being a state to state difference.

      Thank you!

      #97084 Reply

        Nashville and Chattanooga both have a number of sizable accounting firms. Your experience is likely going to depend not just on the firm but on the partner handling your work.

        You will probably need to pay a premium to find a good accountant, but try looking for someone who will do tax planning and not just file your tax return.

        Tax planning (outside of tax season) is where you are more likely to get someone to sit down and go through things with you.

        #97085 Reply

          Home mortgage interest is only deductible if you itemize, meaning you forego the standard deduction in order to deduct it.

          For many people, their total itemized deductions are too low to make foregoing the standard deduction something they want to do.

          Does that describe you?

          #97086 Reply

            Sorry, I’m not from TN, but it sounds like you are looking for more tax strategy compared to just tax prep. That is what most business owners and employees are looking for with an accountant.

            Are you the one who is doing the bookkeeping, forecasting, and other financials for the business? Do you need sales tax returns prepared? There are a lot of different services, but you may want to take some time to outline what you are looking for as you look for an accountant or financial professional. Keep in mind that you will definitely pay more for whatever services you want!

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