Does being a stay-at-home mom impact Social Security benefits later?

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  • #110072 Reply

      Sitting here wishing I had known that by being a stay at home mom it really affected my Social Security amount now that I’m collecting it!

      I know I saved us a lot of money on childcare and so so so many intangibles but even though I earned $140,000 more over lifetime than my hubby, he still gets $100 more a month Soc Sec than I do because he didn’t have a long gap like me

      Ladies, educate yourselves!!

      #110073 Reply

        In Canada we have child rearing Provisions to help protect the value of our Canada pension plan if we stay home to raise our children.

        #110074 Reply

          The problem is not that you took care of your kids. The problem is it costs so much money to exist now.

          In the end, your kids did better with you there.

          We all give up things for our kids.

          #110075 Reply

            Yes. Me too. Stayed home about 14 years raising kids. I never did have a high paying job even though I have a degree.

            I draw only $800 monthly. Hind sight is 20/20. However, I am happy with the years I got to stay home with my kids.

            I knew they were safe and loved.

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