Does it make sense to raise my homeowner’s deductible for minimal savings?

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  • #104389 Reply

      Trying to reduce some overhead costs…
      Called Traveler’s regarding deductible limit increase to my Homeowner’s poliy.

      Raising the deductible from 1K to 2.5K only lowers it $85/yr.

      Raising the deductible from 2.5K to 5K lowers it $104/yr.

      Not sure it makes sense to change the deductible limit?


      #104390 Reply

        Why are you playing around with only one company? Loyalty only goes one way with corporations.

        Call a broker and have them search out dozens of companies on our behalf to get the best rate possible with virtually no effort from you.

        #104391 Reply

          I wouldn’t do this, but do shop around, as you may be able to save even more.

          Do watch for a lot of companies going to a percentage deductible instead of a fixed amount, especially for certain perils.

          I like to divide the additional deductible by the savings, to determine a general break even time, although rates will change over the years.

          Most folks, even with good records, will need to file a claim more often than every 17-38 years.

          #104392 Reply

            I have mine at 5000 or above. I would never file a claim lower than that because insurance companies drop you after claims are filed.

            I would rather just put 5k into a savings than pay a higher rate, and shop around you might be surprised.

            This year is tough on premiums.

            #104393 Reply

              You’d likely see higher savings shopping other companies with a $2,500 deductible.

              Travelers doesn’t care they already have you.

              #104394 Reply

                Shop around for other insurance. AAA is really cheap. Everyone I’ve sent to AAA lowered their insurance costs significantly.

                #104395 Reply

                  1500 / 85 = 17.6 year breakeven.
                  Id keep the lower deductible if the savings is only $7/mo

                  #104396 Reply

                    If you have an emergency fund set up I would suggest 10k deductible. Makes a difference at that level.

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