Does Medicaid cover assisted living for my dad?

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  • #95817 Reply

      Question regarding Medicaid for Assisted Living. Our father will be moving to assisted living. Will Medicaid help pay for this? We don’t know much about it. He has about $75k. His home costs about $150k. That’s all for assets. No debt. Anyone know?

      #95818 Reply

        For MCD to kick in, he will need to spend down assets to about $2k or less. ALF liaisons will be able to assist you on the MCD process, they deal with it daily. He will likely then transition to a nursing home facility.

        #95819 Reply

          And Medicaid usually has a 5 year look back period so you just can’t transfer the assets to children last minute.

          #95820 Reply

            2k or less in account… there is a look back period also

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