Does my husband’s tobacco use void his non-tobacco life insurance policy?

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  • #104894 Reply

      My husband started chewing tobacco a few years ago and now can’t stop.

      He already has a life insurance policy as a non-tobacco user that we got even earlier.

      Will this null and void it if he passes and it’s determined he was a tobacco user?

      #104895 Reply

        Life insurance policies typically include a clause stating that if a policyholder misrepresented or failed to disclose a significant fact during the application process, such as tobacco use, the insurer can potentially contest the policy.

        In many cases, this would be possible only within a specific contestability period, which is usually the first two years after the policy was issued.

        If your husband’s policy is beyond that contestability period, the insurer may not be able to void the policy outright.

        However, if the death is directly related to tobacco use and the policy clearly specifies a non-tobacco classification, the insurer might reduce the payout or, in rare cases, challenge it.

        #104896 Reply

          Take out another policy as a tobacco user

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