First-time investor: How do I start buying dividend stocks?

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  • #102708 Reply

      Hi all. I am looking to buy stocks with dividends. It’s my first time doing this, and I find it overwhelming.

      I’ve been putting this off too long.

      A friend recommended Charles and Schwab.

      I am thinking of taking money from my savings (Over a grand) and buying a bunch of stocks.

      Input is appreciated!

      Thank you.

      #102709 Reply

        You can’t diversify adequately into individual stock with that amount. Look into income mutual funds instead.

        #102710 Reply

          Skip dividend stocks until your portfolio is large enough to live off it

          #102711 Reply

            Most stocks have dividends but that don’t really matter. Research and understand why

            #102712 Reply

              SCHD for starters. if you wanna further focus on a DGI strategy or simply dividend investing you’ll need to know how to pick individual stocks, which will take you a few years to learn how to pick them, so the fast answer is SCHD.

              #102713 Reply

                Instead of fixating on dividends, focus on total return (dividends + growth

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