For those with no children o near familly, what are your plans for elderlly care ?

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  • #99186 Reply

      “For individuals without children or close family, what are your plans for elderly care?

      I’m interested in learning how others are approaching this important aspect of future planning.

      Are you considering professional care services, assisted living communities, or perhaps relying on friends or social networks?

      How are you preparing financially and emotionally for this stage of life?

      Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated.”

      #99187 Reply

        Hire someone. Just like the people with kids and family around.
        I always find it interesting when people assume their kids are going to take care of them.

        Some will, some won’t.

        Better have a plan to pay for it, just in case.

        #99188 Reply

          Statistically, elderly care where you are no longer auto sufficient, lasts about 2 years.

          So put away enough money to last 3 years, and spend the rest! Not all family wants or can afford to take care of you.

          #99189 Reply

            Our plan is to buy into a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) when we’re ready to settle into the no-go years.

            #99190 Reply

              Have long term care insurance and live in another low cost of living country

              Research what countries covered

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