Frugal and Resourceful: Making the Most of Travel Souvenirs

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  • #95258 Reply

      On this dreary afternoon, I took all of the silverware and coffee packets I’ve collected from our many trips and separated all of the items. The most important items to me are the sugar, salt, and napkins.

      I put all of them in separate bags and will use them at home. While I’m at it, I’m using a thermos bag someone gave me and will put two plastic plates, silverware, salt, tea bags, sugar, and napkins for the car.

      The rest of the stuff I’ll use at home, including the napkins.

      I will admit when we have company, I pull out the real napkins.

      Some people might call me pathetic, but I hate to throw anything away and it’s a great way to be frugal.


      I hope this gives all of you some ideas.

      #95259 Reply

        Yea, I keep those catsup packets in a bag like you are showing, they go in the fridge. I use the napkins from the places I go. They are just going to throw them away – I may as well, have some of them in my purse, and just in the house for whatever.

        I haven’t seen any salt and pepper packets recently, unless I request them.

        I don’t drink tea or coffee – so I don’t need the sugar packets at home.

        I do keep some food in the trunk of my car – sort of an emergency supply of sorts just in case I get stranded away from home and just cannot get food from a store or etc.

        #95260 Reply

          I’m with you, I just pulled out all the little shampoo and conditioners I’ve collected and they are now in the bathroom to use…no waste in this house…gotta save a dollar where you can.

          I just donated the sugar sachets I had to The FREE purple pantry in our town ,I don’t use sugar –sharing is caring.

          #95261 Reply

            Today I used one of those tiny spatulas to clean the lotion out of three ‘what I thought was empty’ lotion containers. One was a pump bottle and two were tubes that I cut the base seam off. I filled a refillable tube!

            Next, I will do a few toothpaste tubes.

            I hate to throw something I paid for!!

            #95262 Reply

              Not pathetic at all, I do the same. I also will save the ketchup, mustard etc packets…. Can pack a lunch to go quickly!

              #95263 Reply

                I cleaned out a drawer once of ketchup packets. I opened them all and filled a pint jar!

                #95264 Reply

                  Before we moved a few years ago, I separated the packets and bagged them. We started using items before moving, especially the napkins. Those bags are now in the tote where I keep the one time use things that are reserved for road trips and for when we have long term power outages. I have a nice pack of paper napkins in that tote also. Now, anytime we get these packs, they’re immediately separated, the napkins are added to our “everyday use” stack and the utensils are put in a bag.

                  All condiment packs are stashed in the drawer in the fridge and used, not saved. I’ve helped so many people move over the years and have seen hundreds of thousands of condiment packs thrown in the trash that I decided years ago that I’d use them up instead of waiting till ” needing them in a pinch “.

                  Waste not, want not.

                  Useful: What are some frugal things you guys do that don’t require a ton of time?

                  #95265 Reply

                    Being wasteful is pathetic according to me. You did a great job. Keep it up.

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