GARDENERS: do you think it costs less to start from seed or to buy a few mature plants?

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  • #82052 Reply

      I haven’t been able to start from seed for a few years because my toddler gets into everything, so I’ve been buying mature plants at a big box store (outside of what should be started from seeds like zucchini, cucumbers, peas…).

      I could believe the prices of plants this year, but then I think about all that goes into growing from seed and I just don’t know. Soil, seeds, water, grow lights, electricity, time…

      What do you think?

      #82053 Reply

        Seeds by far. I reuse soil by adding in a wheel barrel & remixing every year. I don’t use grow lights, just inside by window until no frost & then up against south of the house to prep for final planting. I love gardening so it isn’t “work” as much as a hobby.

        #82054 Reply

          This year I bought 50 cent tomato seeds, cut off milk cartons and used paper coffee mugs from hotels and planted my own. I found soil on sale for 3 dollars. I didn’t buy lights, but had them by the windows and rotated them as needed. I now have lettuce and spinach planted in the bottom of cut off milk jugs sitting by the window on a tall shelf (as I too have young toddlers.)

          #82055 Reply

            I have started from seed for the past 8 years. It is a hands down money saver. However, if you’re trying to work and raise a family that includes small children, then buying plants may work better for you. Speaking for myself, there was no way I could afford that option.

            #82056 Reply

              I like to start from seed, my guess is it is cheaper (stored well you can use the same seed packs year to year) and I really enjoy being able to do it all myself.

              #82057 Reply

                I buy both seeds and potted plants. Yes, potted plants are higher but I look for ones with lots of growth and either split them (like asparagus ferns) and they rebound nicely and then I have 2 for one, or I take cuttings and root them. Better for the potted plant and I grow the cuttings.

                I learned a lot from Grandma. Seeds are .59/package so that’s ok. Pickling cucumbers grow on trellises so great and are so pretty. I use soil from year to year, mixed by myself from aged manure, eggshells, coffee grounds I save all year, and fertilizer.

                I freshen it every year and use no herbicides or pesticides. Love my soil!

                #82058 Reply

                  I believe it’s less expensive, I seed save and exchange seeds locally. For the price of one tomato plant I can but a package of seeds with 25 tomato seeds in it. It takes definitively more time and effort, uses extra electricity and water (I have rain barrels to offset) but I think the costs are negligible in comparison.

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