Happy 4th of July, everyone! What are your plans for the day? Share your frugal celebrations for a chance to get featured!

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  • #96491 Reply

      We’d love to hear about your plans for this special day! How are you celebrating the 4th of July in a budget-friendly way? Whether it’s a backyard BBQ, a picnic at the park, homemade decorations, or a cozy movie night at home, share your frugal festivities with us.

      Your creative and cost-effective celebration ideas might get featured!

      Let’s inspire each other to make this Independence Day memorable without breaking the bank.

      #96492 Reply

        Stayed home and got my son and step dad to fix my plumbing in the kitchen in exchange for a burger from the grill.

        #96493 Reply

          We got up early to take a walk. We took a piece of furniture from my childhood home, cleaned it up and spray painted it. We also spray painted a mental crate.

          I pulled out my glue gun to decorate a picture frame and glue down items in a gift basket.

          #96494 Reply

            Family get together at parent’s pool, everyone bring a dish, go to bed early lol

            #96495 Reply

              We stayed home all day and went and saw a free community firework show last night.

              #96496 Reply

                Only had to buy meat for the fourth just enough for 4 people and we have the rest of the food . Everyone in our area bought fireworks this year . I can see the valley . Great firework shows for free.

                #96497 Reply

                  Cookout at son’s house. LAter fireworks.

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