Has anyone bought Final Expense Insurance? Is it worth the cost?

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  • #98918 Reply
    Mia Ng

      Has anyone in here bought Final Expense Insurance for yourself?

      Does it cover everything?

      How much do you have to pay per month? Is it affordable?

      Should you buy it when you are still young or wait until you become senior?

      Is it better to buy Final Expense Insurance or do your own planning?

      I’m considering buying Final Expense Insurance and would love to hear from those who have already gone through the process.

      What was your experience like?

      Did you find it worth the cost? How did you go about selecting the right policy and insurer?

      Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

      #98919 Reply

        Is this simply a life insurance policy that has a smaller pay out and is marketed for a unique purpose?

        If I have $500k life insurance policy my dependents can use it for funeral expenses, final medical bills, college for my kids or whatever they need.

        #98920 Reply

          We have enough savings/investments and life insurance so I, personally, wouldn’t buy specific insurance just for that.

          #98921 Reply

            I prefer to self-insure for most smaller things (so not auto, home, or health), so I always decline paying for extended warranties.

            For funeral plans, I plan on having more than enough to pay for that, and whoever is responsible can take care of it however they see fit.

            I certainly won’t care what arrangements are made, as I won’t be there for them! Funerals are for the living, as we say in my family.

            #98922 Reply

              Roast me and toast me is my plan and my heirs will get cost to do that at least a thousand times over in an inheritance.

              So no insurance for it was my choice.

              #98923 Reply

                I have term life insurance. But researching prepaid cremation services. No hassle and cheap Don’t really care where I land when death.

                #98924 Reply

                  My uncle with Parkinson’s planed everything & even had his grave stone in the cemetery with everything engraved except the final date.

                  I have nothing planned but wouldn’t trust an insurance product.

                  #98925 Reply

                    Burial insurance is typically a small whole life policy. Not worth buying unless you/your family can’t afford a $2-10k expense.

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