Has anyone had low protein levels when donating plasma regularly?

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  • #107546 Reply

      Anyone else who donates plasma for extra money ever have them say your protein levels were low? I assume this means I just need to eat more protein but I honestly don’t understand how it’s low.

      I’ve been donating twice a week for about 4 months and never had this issue.

      I also eat protein in every single meal. Tons of cheese and meat everyday.

      #107547 Reply

        They are talking about blood proteins, not the protein you get from food. The blood protein is how enzymes, vitamins, hormones, lipids are circulated through the blood stream.

        Hydration/dehydration can be a factor.

        #107548 Reply

          In the UK we donate blood for free. Well, we get a cup of tea and maybe a biscuit for our contribution

          #107549 Reply

            Please see your primary for a check up. There are ( rare) diseases that cause kidneys to spill protein, especially if you’re on a high protein diet.

            It’s wonderful you’re donating plasma, but take care of you first.

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