Has anyone quit their job without a backup plan? Any advice or regrets?

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  • #97418 Reply

      If anyone can offer any advice on my situation I’d really appreciate it.

      I’m an accountant at a fortune 500 but to say I’m completely burnt out would be a huge understatement. I’m in my mid thirties, and on track to fire around 45, but the commute is brutal, and I’m tired of climbing the corporate ladder.

      My question is this. Has anyone quit their job without having another lined up? Is there anything you’d have done differently or advice you’d give to someone thinking of taking the leap?

      I’ve got cash on hand to cover at least 9 months of living expenses, and I’ve recently had to turn down interviews due to month end and a busy work schedule. Which is why I’m thinking it would be better to give my notice.

      This would free up my time and allow me to find one that’s a good fit for both parties (even if it means taking a pay cut).

      Since I’m not looking to take the first job offer I get, I’m anticipating it taking a bit longer to find work which is part of what makes me nervous. Has anyone been in this situation and care to lend your thoughts?

      #97419 Reply

        Why not start your own business? That said, there is no point in FIRE if you work yourself to an early grave. Definitely prioritize happiness and health.

        #97420 Reply

          I did the same thing at age 39 (I’m 57 now) and I’m also an accountant (I worked for a registered investment advisor). Took me about 11 months to find another job…. But I had a bout of mononucleosis during my time off that slowed me down. I was also severely anemic which is probably why I was so exhausted at work. I suggest getting blood work done before you leave to make sure nothing medical is “off”.

          I had the same thought – easier to interview when you don’t have to sneak around to interview. I say do it, but I might up your cash cushion first.

          Read on: Should I confront my boss about a colleague’s higher salary, or look for a new job?

          #97421 Reply

            I did. I didn’t have 9mo reserves on hand or time to plan. I made the mistake of waiting until I was so fried I just couldn’t do it anymore and quitting was the only option. Zero regrets! Take some time off, visit friends and family, catch up on projects, job hunt and find something better.

            It’ll likely pay more, too.

            #97422 Reply

              Quitting my job and using a little bit of savings to open up my availability changed my job search. I was getting more invites for 2nd interviews, able to apply for higher paying jobs (as those are usually the ones with 3-5 rounds of interviews)

              I definitely say it gave me the freedom to get multiple offers on the table and pick which one was best for me financially and allowed me to have a work/life balance.

              Before, I was making great money but practically working 13 hour days due to long work days and a miserable commute. It was not worth the lack of family time, gas and car maintenance, and lack of time to focus on my health and hobbies.

              The short time to find a new job gave me time to relax and recoup myself at home while I was in between work. Go to the gym, spend time with family, rest, and reset.

              Appropriate: How can I manage a well-paying but stressful remote job with an abusive boss while caring for school-aged children?

              #97423 Reply

                The most recent Financial Independence (Mad Fientist) podcast talks about the power of quitting. It’s a quick listen. Not a good idea to quit before securing another job.

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