Has anyone sold a wedding ring set to Worthy? Good or bad experience?

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  • #103317 Reply

      Has anyone sold a wedding ring set to an online company called Worthy?

      If so, good or bad experience?

      Any other place you would recommend selling a set?

      I have a set just sitting in my lock box that I might as well sell and get some money out of.

      #103318 Reply

        Just understand that jewelry is not worth much second hand. A pawn shop will give u what the gold is worth.

        It’s my understanding jewelry is worth 30% of its appraised value

        #103319 Reply

          Depending on if it’s a nice set or not I would talk to local jewelers about consignment or do an auction

          #103320 Reply

            Better to sell it yourself but not to a pawn shop. They will only give you a small fraction of its worth.

            #103321 Reply

              Have a local jeweler sell it for you. Many take consignment jewelry. That’s going to be the most money U can get IMO.

              #103322 Reply

                I tried but they were offering peanuts. I sold mine on the marketplace. It was still way below what I paid for it, but twice the amount they were offering at the jewelry store/pawn shop.

                #103323 Reply

                  I sold mine on marketplace and got way more than a pawn shop would offer (10% of appraised value)

                  #103324 Reply

                    Worthy wants large stones. You could probably sell it yourself for more.

                    I sold my friends diamond band on Facebook for cash so she got the best sales price.

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