Has anyone tried over the counter skin tag removal instead of going to a dermatologist?

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  • #97133 Reply

      I’m curious to hear about experiences with over-the-counter skin tag removal products. Have you found them effective? How did the process go for you, and were there any side effects or complications? I’m considering trying this approach rather than visiting a dermatologist and would appreciate any insights or recommendations from those who have tried it.

      Thank you!

      #97134 Reply

        Ehh depending on size, I’d yank it with tweezers or tie dental floss around it. That’s just me tho

        #97135 Reply

          My derm told be to get as tiny fingernail scissors and cut it near the base. It worked perfect.

          #97136 Reply

            If you reduce sugar and carbs, they’ll fall off. It’s a sign of insulin resistance. Just fyi.

            #97137 Reply

              I used the small patches. Worked fine and the patches nearly matched my skin so it wasn’t obvious

              #97138 Reply

                I’ve used the little tiny bands that are put on using a plunger like device. Sold as a kit. It took about 5 days and did work. The topical stuff didn’t. I’m trying to find a safe way to remove a couple on my eyelid.

                The bands pop off when I blink. Lol

                #97139 Reply

                  I failed at floss so I put nail polish top coat on daily, dried it out and came off easy.

                  #97140 Reply

                    I used Tea tree oil.
                    2-3 times a day until it dried up, then tied dental floss around it and it fell off.

                    #97141 Reply

                      It’s $30 at cvs here in New York. My derm says it doesn’t work.

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