Has anyone used Montway Auto Transport or another method for shipping a car?

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  • #104076 Reply

      Has anyone ever shipped a vehicle? My son is considering having his Nissan Pathfinder shipped from CA to MA.

      He has a quote of $1880 from Montway Auto Transport.

      I did a bit of research and Montway has some mixed reviews.

      It is a broker, not a carrier, so I guess on some level you really don’t know who is actually shipping your car.

      Has anyone used Montway or another method before? Any feedback or suggestions welcome!

      #104077 Reply

        I moved from DC to CA a few years back and Starway Logistics was my carrier via Flat Price Moving and Auto Shipping.

        Fantastic experience.

        I had a brand new car, and the driver, who spoke very little English, was able to sense without my saying I was nervous.

        He took time to snap photos of “Reuben” along his cross-country journey and text them to me.

        Such a thoughtful and nice gentleman.

        Not sure they’d be where you are located, but shop around and just pull the trigger at some point.

        I recall mixed reviews on a lot of companies, so just had to go with best educated guess – and it was a surprisingly good experience

        I left a glowing review and mentioned specifically by name how kind this gentleman was to me during a very nerve wracking time.

        Good luck!!

        #104078 Reply

          I used Montway to ship my car from IL to WA. Everything was great from pickup through delivery.

          Price was good and the driver made it faster than expected.

          I read the mixed reviews but since it was a cheaper car, figured I’d give it a shot.

          #104079 Reply

            Another out of the box idea, hire an individual to drive it across for you.

            My dad races cars in an autocross series around the US, and now he pays a guy to drive his truck and trailer for him cross country.

            He pays for the gas, the guys food, hotel, and a fare daily wage.

            You could do the same.

            There’s plenty of nomads in the US that would be happy to relocate the vehicle on your behalf.

            Or maybe you have friends or family that would do it.

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